Claire's Birthday Party was Saturday. She had lots of fun. First, we opened presents.

Then, we sang "Happy Birthday".

Claire got her second try at a cupcake. "Try" is really underselling it - she devoured it!

Claire was outside today playing on one of her gifts - a picnic table that Jeff's brother had made.

It was a very big weekend for Claire. On top of her birthday party on Saturday, she went to the doctor on Friday for her one year checkup. She's doing really well - 18 lbs 5 oz (10th percentile), 28 3/4 inches (25th percentile), and 18 inches head circumference (90th percentile). I'd like to see the babies in the 90th percentile for weight... do you think they have 10th percentile heads? In any case, the doctor gave Claire the green light for all kinds of new things to eat... but she has to wait a little while longer before we can turn her car seat around.
All in all, we had a great weekend and hope you all did too!
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